Hybrid vs Electric Cars - Which Is Better for the Environment?

November 10, 2021


The world is becoming more and more conscious of its impact on the environment, and the automotive industry is no exception. Thanks to the advancements in technology, two eco-friendly alternatives to traditional gasoline cars have emerged: hybrid and electric cars. Both of these options can greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but which is better for the environment? In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison of hybrid and electric cars and help determine which one is the better choice.

Hybrid Cars

A hybrid car combines a gasoline-powered engine with an electric motor and battery. This combination allows the car to operate on either gasoline or electricity, depending on the driving situation. Hybrid cars are generally more fuel-efficient than traditional cars because they can switch to the electric motor at lower speeds. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a Toyota Prius hybrid car emits about 4.6 metric tons of greenhouse gases over 15,000 miles of driving (1).

Electric Cars

Electric cars, on the other hand, run solely on electricity that is stored in a battery. They produce zero emissions while driving and charge using an external charging station. While the production of electricity used to power the car could generate emissions in some cases, electric cars are still much less polluting than their gasoline counterparts. According to the EPA, a Tesla Model S emits zero greenhouse gases over 15,000 miles of driving (1).

Which Is Better for the Environment?

To determine which car is better for the environment, we need to look at the entire lifecycle of each car, from the production of the vehicle to the day it is scrapped. Studies have shown that electric cars produce fewer emissions than hybrids over their lifecycle, but it also depends on the source of electricity used to power the electric car (2). If the source of electricity is renewable and clean, such as solar or wind power, electric cars have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to hybrids.

In summary, both hybrid and electric cars have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but electric cars are generally cleaner over their entire lifecycle. However, it's important to note that the production and sourcing of electricity used to power electric cars needs to be taken into account to fully evaluate their environmental impact.


  1. "Green Vehicle Guide." Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/.
  2. "Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of Passenger Transportation: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol. 18, no. 3, pp.623-634, 2013, doi:10.1007/s11367-012-0494-9.

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